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Max Howell, the developer of a tool we love to use, was recently rejected by Google after an interview. He was asked to invert a binary tree on a whiteboard, but he couldn't solve the question. He was so angry that he tweeted about it, saying that even though 90% of Google's engineers use the software he wrote, they still rejected him. His tweet caused a lot of discussion on Hacker News, a website for tech news.
Even if a company doesn't make their product available for people to modify and customize, they should still provide instructions and information so that people can make their own versions of the product. This way, the company can build a strong group of loyal customers.
This package program is easy to use and is made with Ruby and Python. To download it, you need to type "brew install " into the terminal. This package will download packages from Github, compile them, and make them usable. To find the full name of the package you want to download, you need to go to the Github address provided and search for it.
Years later, there is now a very advanced program for Mac OS X that helps you install and manage software. Macports and Fink, two older programs that did the same thing, are almost not used anymore.
Saying that this friend is like Debian's package manager is not nice. This friend helps to fill a need in Mac OS that is not currently being met, and the goal is to make it as popular and common as possible.
Max Howell, the developer of a tool we love to use, was recently rejected by Google after an interview. He was asked to invert a binary tree on a whiteboard, but he couldn't solve the question. He was so angry that he tweeted about it, saying that even though 90% of Google's engineers use the software he wrote, they still rejected him. His tweet caused a lot of discussion on Hacker News, a website for tech news.
Even if a company doesn't make their product available for people to modify and customize, they should still provide instructions and information so that people can make their own versions of the product. This way, the company can build a strong group of loyal customers.
This package program is easy to use and is made with Ruby and Python. To download it, you need to type "brew install" into the terminal. This package will download packages from Github, compile them, and make them usable. To find the full name of the package you want to download, you need to go to the Github address provided and search for it.
Small games and programs made for the PSP (PlayStation Portable) are called PSP homebrew.
I want to make beer and other alcoholic drinks at home this summer.
Homebrew is a package manager for Mac OS that is not fully developed yet, but it can still be used. It is better than Macports and Fink.
Years later, there is now a very advanced program for Mac OS X that helps you install and manage software. Macports and Fink, two older programs that did the same thing, are almost not used anymore.
Saying that this friend is like Debian's package manager is not nice. This friend helps to fill a need in Mac OS that is not currently being met, and the goal is to make it as popular and common as possible.